Professional Psychedelic Guide & Trip Sitting Services

We facilitate safe, meaningful, and transformative Psychedelic experiences in Colorado.

Considering having a psychedelic experience? We are here to help you along the way with programs specifically designed to maximize the benefits of your journey.

With You Through Every Stage of the Psychedelic Experience

Both modern-day psychedelic research and ancient ceremonial traditions utilize variations of a three-part experience model which consists of Preparation, Ceremony, and Integration. These components are present in each of our facilitated programs, no matter the medicine.

  • The purpose of preparation is to get the most possible benefit from a single medicine experience. During this stage, we work with you to build a connection, define your intentions, manage expectations, build inner-resource, and plan your optimal ceremony experience. Psychedelics open a valve through which attentional energy, like water, rushes through. An experience without preparation is much like turning on a garden hose without anyone holding the end. The water sprays in no particular direction. By engaging in preparation we construct irrigation channels through which we may nourish the fields of our Mind & Heart.

  • This is the container for a medicine experience itself. Ceremony can be simply defined as action which acknowledges the importance of a given occasion. Ceremonies can be fully secular, scientific, religious, spiritual, or a combination. Connection with the sacred, as defined by the journeyer, is a crucial component of the safe and positively transformative psychedelic container we will be creating together. It is a collaborative effort between facilitator and journeyer within which your preferences and autonomy are honored and respected above all.

  • In the days and weeks following a Psychedelic experience we are in a fertile state of opportunity. It is here that the real work begins. In this stage, we have a chance to re-define our patterns of thought, speech, and behavior; to re-tune our instrument so that we can more skillfully play the true song our heart. Because psychedelic medicines re-open “critical-periods” of learning, the integration stage is especially important and rich. In these sessions we work together to make meaning, find your practices, and embody the lessons of your medicine journey.

Meet Me

Testimonials From Previous Journeyers

  • “You are so much more effective than my official counselor... the entire way of how I relate and function with reality is changing and most health professionals are not equipped to guide someone through that. “

    - Z

  • “The whole process was very intentional and professional. I felt really supported in the prep work and everything leading up to the ceremony, also really enjoyed our integration sessions. Incredible use of somatics, mindfulness and parts work. You are very skilled at interweaving these different modalities in a way that is flexible and most appropriate for each moment. Your knowledge and ability of somatic work especially is amazing. Your presence felt very compassionate, non-judgemental and supportive the entire ceremony. It was a very solid anchor during challenging times and gave a lot of space and safety for my process to open up.”

    - M

  • “I love working with Clay! He is 100% present at all times while working with me on very complex and difficult issues. I appreciate his kindness, how well he listens, and the ideas and support he gives me every time we meet. He’s very responsive . I recommend Clay 100%! 😁🙏”

    - S

  • “Clay was the perfect guide for my first psychedelic journey. He combined elements of Greek mystery practice, shamanism, and Eastern meditation and philosophy with plant healing to lead me on a life changing experience. I would trust him to lead me again and to guide those close to me without reservation.”

    - D

  • “Clay is totally professional, empathetic, knowledgeable, and caring. His session gave me myself back. I have seen multiple therapists and Clay is the only one that has ever proven to be of benefit.”

    - P

Natural Medicines We Work With

Psilocybin Mushrooms Denver Colorado Psychedelic Sitting Trip Sitting


  • Psilocybin is the primary psychoactive component found in many species of fungi such as the psilocybe cubensis pictured above.

  • Psilocybin grows abundantly, which translates to availability and affordability when it comes to the medicine itself. The mushrooms have a way of inviting us towards a more full and true expression of ourselves and highlighting the interconnectivity of all things. They are an incredible ally and teacher along the road of human existence.


  • Cannabis is a flowering plant, sacred to many cultures, that contains a variety of psychoactive compounds such as THC and CBD to name just two.

  • Cannabis is an accessible and powerful medicine. Often overlooked as a tool of personal growth, cannabis can yield insights and catalyze somatic process as powerfully as any classical psychedelic.


  • NN-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a potent and short acting psychoactive found in a wide variety of both plant and animal species, such as the pscyhotria viridis pictured above. Though other kinds of DMT exist, we work specifically with NN-DMT.

  • NN-DMT, when smoked, produces a powerful psychedelic experience lasting only about 20 minutes but lacking nothing in depth. It can be used in both high (psychedelic) and low (psycholytic) doses to gain immense perspective on the human experience.

Book a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call

Follow the link below to book a no-cost, no-pressure discovery call with a Psychedelic Guide. During your call, we will discuss the screening process, which medicines you are hoping to work with, and your desired timeline for this work.

  • Personal Ceremony

    From chrysalis to butterfly wings, the process of transformation requires support. A branch to hang upon. Reestablish a connection to your own personal definition of the sacred with a ceremony tailored just for you.

  • Yoga Nidra & Co-Meditation

    Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice with roots in non-dual Shaivism which puts us in touch with our essential nature and leads us to live in conscious alignment with our destiny. It’s a method proven effective for addressing both anxiety and trauma.

  • Psycholytic Somatic Processing

    The Brain Thinks, and the Body Knows.

    These are supported individual sessions in which we work with smaller doses of medicine and a more active relational-somatic model to help you drop into innate intelligence and move through stuck emotions.

  • Backcountry Trips

    When is the last time we heard the wind whisper its ancient secrets, marveled at the open sky, and sat at the foot of Grandfather fire? Together we will explore the inner and outer landscape, each step bringing us closer to the realization of our deepest purpose. Nature is the teacher, I’m only here to help support your connection with her. A supportive and safe container to help you go completely out and come completely back.

  • Coaching & Consulting

    What does it mean to fully integrate the lessons of medicine into our personal and professional lives? Whether you are a part of an organization looking to enter the psychedelic field or an individual finding their professional path; I can help you navigate this emerging landscape in an attuned, informed, and skillful way.

  • Integration Support

    The real work takes place in the days, months, and years following a psychedelic experience. Together we will make meaning, find your practices, and learn to embody lessons of the medicine.