Additional Offerings

Yoga Nidra & Co-Meditation

Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice with roots in non-dual Shaivism which puts us in touch with our essential nature and leads us to live in conscious alignment with our destiny. It’s a method of guided somatic and imaginal mediation that has proven empirically effective in the treatment of anxiety and PTSD.


Psycholytic Somatic Processing

The Brain Thinks, and the Body Knows.

These are supported individual sessions in which we work with smaller doses of medicine and a more active relational-somatic model to help you drop into innate intelligence and move through stuck emotions.


Integration Support

The real work takes place in the days, months, and years following a psychedelic experience. Together we will make meaning, find your practices, and learn to embody lessons of the medicine.


Personal Ceremony

From chrysalis to butterfly wings, the process of transformation requires support.

A branch to hang upon.

Reestablish a connection to your own personal definition of the sacred with a ceremony tailored just for you.


Backcountry Experiences

When is the last time we heard the wind whisper its ancient secrets, marveled at the open sky, and sat at the foot of Grandfather fire?

Together we will explore the inner and outer landscape, each step bringing us closer to the realization of our deepest purpose. Nature is the teacher, I’m only here to help support your connection with her. A supportive and safe container to help you go completely out and come completely back.


Psychedelic Coaching & Consulting

What does it mean to fully integrate the lessons of medicine into our personal and professional lives?

Whether you are a part of an organization looking to enter the psychedelic field or an individual finding their professional path; I can help you navigate this emerging landscape in an attuned, informed, and skillful way.


“The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.”

— Rumi “The Guest House”