Meditations & Podcast

Integrative Restoration Practice 1

This is the perfect practice to prepare for or integrate your psilocybin session and can be used repeatedly in order to deepen bodily awarness and increase feelings of tranquility.

colorado psychedelic guide

Classical Yoga Nidra 5

This is an advanced practice that leads us into a complete rotation of consciousness (annamaya kosha), breath counting down from 54 (pranamaya kosha), sensing of hot/ cold, pleasure/pain (manomaya kosha), and a series of visualizations (vijnanamaya kosha). The flow of this practice is characteristic of Satyananda’s Nidra in that it is rather intense, directive, and does not include a merging of opposites or inner resource work.

Classical Yoga Nidra 4

This is the 4th practice script from Swami Satyananda. It includes in-depth movement through the annamaya kosha/physical body, a long breath-counting section, and several visualizations (rapid psychic images & chakra centers). Please be aware that the rapid psychic images used in this practice contain intense and evocative imagery such as dead bodies and religious imagery that may be triggering to some people. Though the intention is to use the intensity of imagery as fuel for awakening this may not be an appropriate recording for all. As with all of Satytananda-style Nidra, this is Nidra is NOT what could be called a trauma-informed.

Colorado psychedelic guide

Classical Yoga Nidra 3

This longer practice is another out of the pages of Satyananda. It features alternate nostril breathing down from 108 and a guided journey up a sacred mountain and beyond. This particular practice is certainly a way to stretch our ability to stay present. Be sure you’re not sleeping throughout this one!

Short Yoga Nidra: Meeting Sensation

This 15-minute practice is geared towards meeting whatever sensations may be present without judgment. We practice the nervous system regulating box-breath and follow the golden light of attention to a welcoming inquiry into the nature of our sensations, and ultimately our awareness itself.

Classical Yoga Nidra 2

This shorter practice is another recitation from the “Yoga Nidra” book by Swami Satyananda. In this practice, we exchange rapid psychic images for a visualization exercise in which we enter a beautiful temple in the park. Though the practice is geared towards laying in Shavasana, it can also be done sitting up.

Classical Yoga Nidra 1

This 50-minute practice comes straight out of Swami Satyananda’s book “Yoga Nidra”. It’s a classical long-form Yoga Nidra that contains the defining elements of preparation, relaxation, Sankalpa, rotation of consciousness, breath counting, and visualization. The practice guides us through several rounds of breath counting and “rapid psychic images”. These particular elements of the practice help us to strengthen our ability to concentrate. Please be aware that the visualization portion of this practice contains prompts that are existentially charged and may be activating. The intention of such prompts is to elicit emotions in the body which we can then work with.


Introduction to Applied Mindfulness

A short experiential introduction to your very own inexhaustible treasure.